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Sunday Mornings.

The Sunday morning service is informal in format and consists of worship, singing, prayer, sharing and listening to the Word of God.   Our sung worship is a combination of contemporary music and a selection of classic but relevant songs. 


Bible teaching is an important and valued part of life at Brackley Baptist Church and our relaxed and scripture-led approach means we can read, learn, and openly be inspired by the word of God.  The sermons are easy to follow and cater for a mixed age group as well as being challenging no matter where you are in your walk with Christ.


We are a family church and we love to see children attend our services.  We currently run two groups, Impact, which is for children of Primary and Junior ages to share and learn together, and LOL-on-Sunday which is aimed towards secondary school ages.


There is also a Bible Study before the service 9.30 - 10.15 am

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